ancient greece

With the rise of New Comedy during the IV century BCE, obscenity and indecency invaded prose narratives, with the first known case the sex manual ON SEXUAL POSITIONS (ΠΕΡΙ ΣΧΗΜΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΣΥΝΟΥΣΙΑΣ), reputedly written by an authoress of pornographic treatises, named Philaenis.

The life of this peculiar woman remains a mystery, but her

ancient greece

For the Greeks, obscenities were not "dirty", they were simply words or expressions which could be used to cut to the chase, so with them someone either described what it was like sleeping with your rival’s girlfriend (I was fucking away pulling out the tip as if it was a sausage), either communicated the earthy beauty of sexual organs (I’ve

ancient greece

A separate kind of obscene narrative referred to cults and other mystical processions and worship. With a rather deleterious humor lacking due respect and reverence towards the most solemn rites of Cybele (the “Great Mother”) was IOLAOS. The unknown author had his hero (Iolaos) and a male prostitute — a Cinaedus — masquerading as Galli, the

parties in greece